Monday, January 19, 2009

Welcome Back Students!

I hope you all had a great time on vacation. 5 weeks felt like a long time, but it went by so quickly! Who can even remember what we were doing in class 5 weeks ago? ... Well, this might stir up some memories for you...

So this week in class we are talking about "When disaster strikes." Here is an interesting chart from Wikipedia, listing the different types of Natural Disaster, and the worst event for each category, where and when, including death toll:

Deadliest Natural Disasters by Type of Event

Avalanche: United States, March 1, 1910. Estimated Death Toll: 96

Blizzard: Iran, February 1972. Estimated Death Toll: 4,000

Drought: India, 1876–1878. Estimated Death Toll: 25,250,000

Earthquake: Shaanxi, China, January 23, 1556. Estimated Death Toll: 830,000

Flood: China, 1931. Estimated Death Toll: 2,000,000–4,000,000

Hailstorm: India, 9th century. Estimated Death Toll: 200–600

Heat wave: Europe, June-August 2003. Estimated Death Toll: 37,451

Landslide: Venezuela, December 1999. Estimated Death Toll: 20,006

Limnic Eruption: Lake Nyos, Cameroon, August 21, 1986. Estimated Death Toll: 1,746

Pandemic: Spanish influenza, worldwide, 1918–1920. Estimated Death Toll: 20,000,000-100,000,000

Tornado: Bangladesh, April 26, 1989. Estimated Death Toll: 1,300

Tropical cyclone: Bangladesh, November 13, 1970. Estimated Death Toll: 200,000–500,000

Tsunami: Indian Ocean, December 26, 2004. Estimated Death Toll: 230,000

Volcano: Mount Tambora, Indonesia, 1815. Estimated Death Toll: 92,000

Wildfire: United States, October 8, 1871. Estimated Death Toll: 2,000

So, do any of you know which natural disaster occurs most frequently? Do you know which happens the least frequently? One of the more rarely occurring natural disasters is the tsunami. Here is some video footage from the worst tsunami in history, in 2004.

What do you see in the video? What surprises you about what you see? Do you think the people making the videos during the tsunami were being careless? Would you have tried to video-tape the tsunami as it was happening? Why or why not?


  1. In this video I can see how mother earth manifest its power through this phenomenon. it's terrible if you are having a good time with your family and suddenly a tsunami comes to cover you, desesperation, panic, and all these feelings you can feel. Not in all the videos we see people being careless, but in others we see people out of danger with goog view to get it with their cams. I don't think i would try it, it is dangerous...

  2. We can see in the video how small we are in front of the power of nature, which can destroy us just in a few seconds. It’s very sad watching all these people loosing their houses, their things and the worst, loosing their family. It’s incredible that you can see how these people is suddenly swept away by the angry sea. I wonder how this man could have made a video in that situation. I wouldn’t risk myself in such a dangerous situation. However, unfortunately thanks to him we can watch this fact and think about how lucky we are.

  3. chetler :

    i can see the power of nature, how the sea answer to natural phenomenon making big waves that throw away whatever that they find in the way,i think the people on the beach are so careless because something wrong was happening on the sea, and the children were playing as if nathing is gonna happen, the first that they will had to do is evacuate,the people that taped the video were careless, but when you know that something can kill you and you acept it and go is your desicion, the people that taped this video wanted to show the desaster or they take advantage fo the situation to become popular taping the video, and the publish or try to sell, yes i would try to tape the desaster, because this video can be use for investigations, all this videos can show the sea`s power, and with this investigations the scientifics can identify the tsnami´s origen and how warn to people

    enter here and see the video is so good

  4. hhey....I am trying to add a a comment

  5. The video Shows how strong and overwhelming the nature can be. The tsunami starts when everything was quiet, and suddenly the waves get huge and dangerous, destroying everything in their way. In the video is possible to listen to the terrifying screams of people tryieng to save theur lifes. I think that I wouldn´t think about grabbing a camera and take pictures, I would be so terrified to do that.

  6. I think that the video show the amazing and incredible power of the nature, the surprise factor present in our lifes. Also we can see the little capacity to respond to the danger that we have. I can see the inestability of life, All can change in a moment. Respect to the people who recorded the videos I belive that they are a little bit careless, because this kind of people is more interested in filmed the phenomenon that in save their lives of danger, anyway is their decision and thanks to they we can see the gifts and surprises from Mother Nature.
