Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Learning with Lyrics

So for those of you who enjoy improving your english by learning song lyrics, here's an easy way to do it: go to, type in the name of the song you want to hear, and "lyrics." You can see an example below. I typed in "mr brightside, lyrics" and this is what I got! Let me know how it works for you guys...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

They say a picture is worth a thousand words...

...why do you think they say that? Both words and images have a lot of power. They can inspire people, motivate people, and make people feel emotions perhaps they hadn't before. Writing and imagery are ways to connect with others, ways to tell old stories from new perspectives, and ways to give voices to others who have none.

For this assignment, I have chosen 4 videos for you to watch. Each video is trying to communicate a message, but for each video the message is different. In the first video, photography images are used, paired with music, "What I've Done," by Linkin Park.

The second video uses animated images paired with music to send a message. The song is "Do the Evolution," by Pearl Jam.

Sorry Guys, but for the 3rd and 4th videos I couldn't embed them here, so you need to paste the link into youtube to watch the following videos. You know how I am feeling about internet technology lately...

The third video uses music, real video, still photography and text - the song is "Runaway Train," by Soul Asylum.

The fourth video also uses music, real video, still photography and text - the song is "Right Now," by Van Halen.

SO: please watch all 4 videos. Choose one that you find interesting, and post a comment about what you saw, and what it made you think about. What sort of message was the video trying to tell you? Do you think they were effective in communicating? Why do you think people choose to use music and images to tell stories?

Unusual Talents!

In class this week we have started talking about creative writing. But writing is not the only form people choose when they want to be creative! So, here are some videos from youtube, which show people being creative in a few different ways.

In the first video, you'll see people who have talent in the arts of "lip-synching" and "air band."

In the second video, a young man has some creative dance moves, unlike anything I've seen before. *Pay attention to the second dancer, not the first.

In the third video, we can see creative use of treadmills!

Which video stars do you think have the most talent? Which do you think was the most difficult to perform? Why do you think people have hobbies like these? Which video was the most interesting to watch? Why?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Welcome Back Students!

I hope you all had a great time on vacation. 5 weeks felt like a long time, but it went by so quickly! Who can even remember what we were doing in class 5 weeks ago? ... Well, this might stir up some memories for you...

So this week in class we are talking about "When disaster strikes." Here is an interesting chart from Wikipedia, listing the different types of Natural Disaster, and the worst event for each category, where and when, including death toll:

Deadliest Natural Disasters by Type of Event

Avalanche: United States, March 1, 1910. Estimated Death Toll: 96

Blizzard: Iran, February 1972. Estimated Death Toll: 4,000

Drought: India, 1876–1878. Estimated Death Toll: 25,250,000

Earthquake: Shaanxi, China, January 23, 1556. Estimated Death Toll: 830,000

Flood: China, 1931. Estimated Death Toll: 2,000,000–4,000,000

Hailstorm: India, 9th century. Estimated Death Toll: 200–600

Heat wave: Europe, June-August 2003. Estimated Death Toll: 37,451

Landslide: Venezuela, December 1999. Estimated Death Toll: 20,006

Limnic Eruption: Lake Nyos, Cameroon, August 21, 1986. Estimated Death Toll: 1,746

Pandemic: Spanish influenza, worldwide, 1918–1920. Estimated Death Toll: 20,000,000-100,000,000

Tornado: Bangladesh, April 26, 1989. Estimated Death Toll: 1,300

Tropical cyclone: Bangladesh, November 13, 1970. Estimated Death Toll: 200,000–500,000

Tsunami: Indian Ocean, December 26, 2004. Estimated Death Toll: 230,000

Volcano: Mount Tambora, Indonesia, 1815. Estimated Death Toll: 92,000

Wildfire: United States, October 8, 1871. Estimated Death Toll: 2,000

So, do any of you know which natural disaster occurs most frequently? Do you know which happens the least frequently? One of the more rarely occurring natural disasters is the tsunami. Here is some video footage from the worst tsunami in history, in 2004.

What do you see in the video? What surprises you about what you see? Do you think the people making the videos during the tsunami were being careless? Would you have tried to video-tape the tsunami as it was happening? Why or why not?